A Very Special Seasons Greetings from the team (We promise this is not spam)

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Welcome to edition #22 of The AIS Angel Insider, your weekly scoop of inspiration, insights and insider knowledge on all things Angel Investing and Startups.

On this weeks AIS Angel Insider:

 đźŽ„Season Greetings: A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the team

đź—“ Dates for your Calendar: Christmas Festive Fun


We hope you are all having a wonderful time with loved ones and using this time to rest and reset. We want to say a massive thank you for your wonderful support and being a part of the community.

2023 was an incredible year for us and here are just some of the highlights:

1) Winning the “Investor For Good Award” at the Foundervine Change Maker Awards

2) Planning and putting together multiple amazing events including:

- Our FIRST EVER Founder 🤝 Investor Christmas Social with the support of Stride VC

- Our “How to Leverage Technical Talent event” in partnership with Lloyds Banking Group

- Our Angel AMA event in collaboration with HSBC Innovation Banking

3) Watching our community grow

4) Launching our 2023 Angel Investing Scholarship initiative in collaboration with Cornerstone VC

5) Designing our first merchandise collection 🤯 (Let us know if this is something you’d like to see in 2024)

6) Launching our first on demand webinar “Angel Investing For the Rest of Us” you can watch it here

7) Training over 60+ Angels Investors this year

8) Launching The AIS Angel Insider newsletter and growing it to over 1000 weekly readers

9) Releasing our information packed e-book on The Basics of Angel Investing. You can still download your free copy here

10) Launching our new website

11) Watching our team grow to 5 people


The calendar will re-open in January, we hope you spend this festive period relaxing and spending time with your loved ones.

However, if you're looking for some festive fun, here are 15 FREE things to do over the Christmas period in London…Read More

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